Across Africa
story telling by Catherine McGuinness
City Hall Dublin
Nov 15
Mummy and abang
Umar had a day out for a story telling with a tittle of Across Africa.
We decided to take
luas instead of using the buggy. We visit Jervis Mall first since mummy had to
get Vit D for Bella in Boots. Umar enjoyed the Xmas decorations so much
especially the presents. I think I am in trouble because we didn’t plan any
present for Xmas. You know we don’t do Xmas but probably I should not have to
bring him
We visit daddy at
work. I can tell Umar so excited met daddy and even got cookies. Finally we
there at the City Hall. The event recommended for 6++ kids but I only found out
about that very last minute. Since we look forward to come I decided to go.
It was an hour
presentation by Catherine and very interactive. I think it’s very interesting but
Umar find it boring. He won’t even stay still. I keep fed him cookies and crisp
just so he won’t be rude. Finally Catherine offers everyone to put hand in the
lion’s skeleton’s head. I think it’s a bit scary but Umar thinks it’s
On the way home I
just have to snap picture of him on the Millennium Bridge just for the album.
instagram : sitihajar_noor
instagram : sitihajar_noor
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